Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Gettin' Ready For 2013!!

Hello There!! With the Christmas Holiday behind me, I am ready to focus on the upcoming New Year. 
In 2012 I worked through a lot of my self-limitations as a business owner. I have several businesses within the Mystical Moon. I have my personal sessions, the store front, my online store(s) yes more than one, my products and more...
In the past I worried about becoming too scattered, wondered if the front desk of the center could handle more business, clients and more paperwork. This brought up more fears for me. 
I stumbled upon an E-course by Leonie Dawson and found the solutions to many of my self-sabotage as a business entrepreneur. 
The latest E-course program I have purchased is the 2013 Business Workbook/Calendar.
I highly recommend this for anyone that is ready to take their Business to the next step or to even allow their Dreams to come out of the closet!
Some might wonder why I would share what has helped me become more successful? Well, simply put...I believe and know there is more than enough to go around ~ More love, excellent health, clients, money, opportunities etc.
Let's all make 2013 our year to overcome as many self-limitations as possible.

Click Here to View 2013 Leonie's Program

Become a Business Goddess

Blessings and Light,

Friday, December 21, 2012

Welcome to The Age of A New Consciousness!

We are blessed with the opportunity to be alive at this time of change, empowerment, healing and joy!
Heaven on Earth ~ 
It may not look the same for everyone. 
Some may not experience the joy-filled experiences available at each and every moment.
Some may be suffering.
Some may have loved ones who are choosing other paths to go down, causing great stress and pain in our lives.
What are my suggestions?

  • Love each other by only sending kind, loving and generous thoughts to others
  • Be compassionate and empathetic to those who are troubled yet do not enable
  • Celebrate each and every day you rise and when you put your head down on your pillow
  • Do not try to force your opinion or try to change the free will of another. We do not know that soul's path
  • Find gratitude in all of your blessings
  • Take time to connect with your higher source
  • Meditate and pray daily 
  • Share your gifts with others
I am filled with gratitude for being here on planet Earth at this very time of higher consciousness and change!!!

12-21-12 is most certainly the ending of the Earth as we knew it ~ Hello new beginnings!!

Blessings and Light,

Thursday, December 13, 2012

My Favorite ~ Stone and Incense

Today I am sharing some information about my favorite stone...Moldavite.
I fell in love with this stone the day I was introduced to it 8 years ago.
I found a pendant in a metaphysical shop and was instantly drawn to it.
What I learned was that not everyone is interested or attracted to this stone.
Right away I had to buy a piece that half an inch in diameter. I still own this stone today, although every once in a while it goes on a walkabout. This means it disappears for a little bit and then comes back to me at the perfect time and place.
Here is a brief description about this amazing stone ~

This weekend I was able to acquire more specimens that are available for purchase at The Moon.

The other special item is....Moldavite Incense! Can you guess what my favorite incense is? This incense most certainly takes you out of body to a land far, far away! It took me a few years to acquire this incense but it was worth the wait.

This company even has Moldavite Oil! I highly recommend you read the above information from Robert Simmon's book, Book of Stones. 

Here is a link to my online store if you are interested in purchasing some Moldavite Incense and or Oil!/~/product/category=3854181&id=16610125

Blessings and Light,

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Celebrate Every Day!!

Many of us will be celebrating 12-12-12 as well as 12-21-12. 
I have been asked by many if and what I am going to do special for this date ~

The message I have been receiving in meditation as well as within my sessions with clients is this ~ Every day is special. We wake up to a new day full of possibilities. How many days were just plain ol' days when something spectacular happened? What happened November 15th? or April 7th? 

Each and every day is an opportunity to create your future, your joy and your happiness.
We celebrate certain times of the year to remind us we are one. We have the opportunity to come together to join hands and connect with our friends, families, nature and spirit.

This is what was intended for these days with certain numerological frequencies. 
The guidance I received was for me to celebrate every day.

Beginning on January 1st 2013, I will celebrate each and every day by focusing on one aspect of my life to have gratitude and appreciation for being alive on this beautiful planet Earth!

I will do the same as I have before...thank God for the opportunity to share my gifts, to be loved and to love and to take time to relish in this delightful world we are part of.


Sunday, December 9, 2012

Kathy's Post From The Online Community

Here is a post written by Kathy ~ Thank you Kathy :)

Our online community is

Last night I watched the first episode of the newest live stream show from the Mystical Moon. I LOVED IT !!!! I asked for more sharing, for the teachers and readers at the Moon, to share more with the rest of us who are trying to find our way. To share with us how they dealt with things as they climbed the ladder of tell us when they found the spirit in themselves, the connection to the other dimensions and how they learned to communicate with spirit and the cosmic consciousness.
So far, I have had readings from three of the readers/channelers at the Moon and have felt some pretty strong connections with the women there. I think I Have just about worn out my welcome with Lorraine...I've bugged her so many times in the last 18 months....she probably wondered if I was stalking her. ( Maybe too many readings...but I have such a thirst !!!) I want everyone to understand...Lorraine has helped me to see myself more ask myself the questions I was going to ask know and understand that I was closer, then I thought I was, to being open and in-tune with spirit. She helped me find my sea legs with just a gentle push, the kind your mother gave you when you took your first steps. I appreciate all that Lorraine has helped me to see in myself, and to be able to make the stronger connection with my guides and guardians.
After the show last night, I can relate even more with her. We both are finding/found our spiritual connection later in life,  ( even though we both had a strong metaphysical background of learning and visiting with psychics, we didn't make our connections until we were in our 50's)  We both moved to Florida about the same year....I think we both ended up at the Moon at about the same time too. I was thrilled to hear her say she automatic writes while in her meditations ( She mentioned almost having a book's worth of writings. ) I was so happy to hear another strong woman at the Moon was also writing....I have been doing automatic writing for years  and just recently asked....who was on the other end. So I want to connect with people who understand and can relate to the process I am going through. I feel the connections getting even stronger with the people at the Moon. Next I want to visit with Joanna and Pam so I can start getting myself tuned up a little more. Then I'll have to find the time to get visits in with the other readers.
I loved hearing how differently they all are, they use different tools and they read and channel in different ways. Now, more so than before, I know who to see, for what, the next time. :) I appreciated hearing more of their stories and the deeper sharing with all of us. Hearing that Laurie and Lorraine both used Reiki and aura cleansing by other channelers to help get themselves tuned up...was reassuring, I'd been thinking, I need to be doing more of that sort of thing and just hadn't pushed myself too far in that direction yet. Now I know it's the next step for me. Also hearing the ladies say so many of the same things that spirit has been telling me lately...exercise, get outdoors in nature, sage, cleanse and make time for yourself.
So we're all the same, we're all connected and we're all here for the same help each other experience the higher vibrations of love and to climb the ladder of awareness for ourselves, to shine our own light more brightly and to encourage others to do the same for themselves.
I can't wait to tune in next time. I loved the show and feel inspired by the conversation shared.

Friday, December 7, 2012

An Excerpt From My Book

Every thought, every word is a prayer. This is a profound statement. The first time I heard this from a teacher of mine, it blew my mind. Wow, what words have I spoken over time that are now affecting my life? Not only is this profound, but it is a Universal Truth! We are creating whether we are consciously doing so or not. We are vibration and energy. Words and thoughts are energy as well. All go into the giant manifestation cauldron. 

Be mindful also to watch words such as the following:

  • I am stressed out.
  • I am unlucky in love.
  • I am doomed.
  • Of course I am not getting what I want.
  • I have bad luck.
  • Life is not fair.
Replace with words such as:
  • I am blessed.
  • Thank you for all I have.
  • It could be worse.
  • Tomorrow is another day.
  • I am healthy.
  • I have trust and faith in myself.
  • I am love.
  • I am deserving of all things good.
  • I am patient.
What words/seeds will you plant today?

Blessings and Light,

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Honor Your Temple

Lately I have been observing clients, friends and family experiencing problems with their health. Whether it be surgery, procedures, viruses, broken bones, headaches etc. many are having health issues.

What is my take on this? I know the vibration of our planet is shifting and changing. There is less tolerance for synthetic foods as well as processed meats and cheeses. We are becoming allergic to many foods and our bodies are telling us not to put these substances in our temple.
I also know when we do not pay attention to our emotions and thoughts our bodies step in to get us to slow down and pay attention. 

An excellent book to help understand this is Louise Hay's You Can Heal Your Life. She has a glossary in the back which explains the possible belief system which may have caused your physical ailment. I recommend the gift edition of this book.

I see the physical body as a temple. It holds our spirit and is the vehicle we have chosen to ride in while we are here on planet Earth. We often receive messages to pay attention to something or to deal with a situation and we ignore it. The repetitive thoughts keep coming    we may continue to ignore it. Well, eventually you will manifest an illness to help you pay attention. 

The key is to do something before it becomes physical.

So, today honor what your body is telling you. You may not always listen to your thoughts but your body is always a great way to monitor what to pay attention to or what is going on   a deeper level.

Get lots of sleep, listen to when your body is talking to you and love the temple your chose for this time around.

Blessings and Light,

Saturday, November 17, 2012


The topic for last night's Psychic Development Class was clairvoyance. 

Clairvoyance is the ability to see clearly, psychically. We all have visions and flashes before our eyes. This psychic ability is easily developed.

Here are a few ways to help fine tune your clairvoyance skills ~

  • Try to guess what the person your are meeting with is wearing. What colors will they select?
  • Ask someone to put some items in a box or bag. Try to guess what is in the bag by color, shape, texture etc.
  • Allow visions and pictures to flow through your mind's eye. Write down what you "see" without stopping to interpret them.
  • Close your eyes, have your eyes "look" at your third eye (the space just above the bridge of your nose, in the middle of your forehead). By focusing on this center you will develop your psychic vision.
  • Envision third eye center having a physical eye, see the eyelid open.
When working with clairvoyance it is important to balance your energy so you are not off balance and create pressure in the head. While working with opening up envision the flow of energy going through the body and out through the bottoms of your feet.
This does help you anchor the energy.

Lastly, continue to journal your progress.

Blessings and Light,

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Go With The Flow

Just about everyone is feeling this building up of energy and momentum. I have a little advice for everyone! Use this energy to carry you to the next stage of your desires!
This is what the surge is all about, the changes for 2012!

How do we do this? By redirecting our thoughts, words and actions. You can stop and complain about what isn't right or be proactive and ride this wild tiger energy to inspire and empower yourself.

What has worked effectively for myself is I have surrounded myself with people who love me and keep me in check. They do lovingly communicate to me when I am out of balance or am whirling and swirling about. 
I also have a daily meditation and journaling practice. Once you get the discipline down it does help! I promise.

Remember when you feel anxiety and that overwhelmed feeling, stop, center yourself and start counting your blessings.
I do believe and know we create our realities. Therefore, I do not buy into this whole story of it is going to get worse out there, we are being challenged etc.
You are the captain of your own ship, own it, embrace it and steer it!

You got this!!
Blessings and Light,

Saturday, November 3, 2012


An altar is a focus point, an honoring of the divine when we would like to connect to Spirit for prayer, ritual, ceremony or for healing. 
I have included a photo from last night's Reiki Circle with Pam. This altar was created with the intention of honoring the Divine Mother. 
Here are some suggestions of how to create an altar ~

  • An altar can be created on a table, on the floor, outside in a garden, on a dresser, on a counter, in a drawer
  • When creating an altar it helps to be reverent. Taking the time to center  yourself. Sage and clear the environment
  • Take your time gathering the items to go on your altar. You would not want to just throw it together
  • Make sure all the items mean something to you
  • More is not always better
  • Pictures are great focal points
  • Have a representation of all of the elements 
  • Air is the direction of  the East, a feather, an oil, a bell (something for sound) a stick of incense. Bring in Archangel Raphael, Eagle represents the East as well
  • Fire is the direction of the South, a candle, copper, Archangel Michael stands in the South, the Wolf is in the South as well
  • Water is the direction of the West, a shell, a dish of water, Archangel Gabriel stands in the West and the Bear holds the space there as well
  • Earth is the direction of the North, grass, plants, flowers, sea salt, cornmeal, Archangel Uriel holds the space for the North, a picture of your Ancestors can go here as well, the Buffalo is in the North too
  • You can also place crystals that represent the elements as well
  • I create altars for different occasions, holidays and intentions 
  • I usually place a candle or crystal in the center as a focal point
Once you allow yourself to be open to your creativity, creating altars can be extremely powerful. 

Keep your eyes open for new altar pieces, you never know where you will find that special stone, book, feather and or picture

Blessings and Light,

P.S. Pam used the crystals that will be raffled off Saturday, November 10th
Call the store for more info 239 939-3339

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Sorting Out Your Laundry

Often in my sessions I receive analogies for my clients which are pretty profound if I may say so myself. I am able to make this statement because I know I am not speaking from Ego. I know all information and guidance is channeled from their Soul to my Soul and brought through my channel of intuition.

I do not always remember these analogies because of my altered state during the session.
One analogy that stayed with me has to do with changes in our lives.
I see, hear and feel energy. I am also shown situations as a math equation. For example ~ 

The Laundry Analogy came through in this way. 
A client has many desires to change and to try to heal, purify and shift what is already happening in their life.
Spirit then shows me this ~
A washing machine filled with dirty clothes + a dryer + dry clean clothes = a new perspective, path and order from chaos.

How I translated this was ~ the washing machine with the dirty clothes represented toxic thoughts, relationships, regrets etc. by putting the areas which the client desires to cleanse in the washing machine shows a sincere desire to take responsibility and awareness.

The dryer was representing clear thoughts, understanding, healing and a cleansed Soul.
The end result shown to me was sorting through the cleansed "clothes" which were patterns, relationships and the past. 
As we sort through the clothes socks get paired up, towels go to a certain closet etc. Putting and sorting in proper places represents putting all into perspective and being able to use what once was referred to as "unclean" is now shifted and a new.

So, when you are shown visions and or analogies I encourage you to investigate a little further by asking your own guidance what does this all mean. You never know what may come through.

Blessings and Light,

Monday, October 29, 2012

Send Healing Prayers

I encourage everyone to send healing to the area across the U.S. that are affected by Sandy.

Let's all visualize the storm miraculously dissipating and miraculously easing up on its potential path.

May all who are affected witness miracles and be kept safe.

Blessings and Light,

Friday, October 26, 2012

Don't Miss Out on This Amazing Opportunity!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Honor Another's Journey

How do we honor someone else's choice's and actions when we feel or we "know" they may be heading down the path of self-destruction. We may see the train coming but all we can do is stand back and watch.

Why not yell and scream, wave our arms and shout "Hey there is a train! Get out of the way!"? We can do all those things however the other person may still continue heading towards a disaster. No matter how much we love this other person, it is important to remember we all have our own paths, our own journeys to travel. We do not know what that Soul is here to learn, to experience.

My advice is to express your concerns with love and detachment, stating you care about them and have concern. Then let go. Let go of expectations, let go of controlling the other person. Let go and send love, light and envision this person happy, healthy and living to their full potential.

Not always easy but it is a Universal "no no" to interfere with another's free will.

We all have enough to take care of in our own lives. If you are paying enough attention to your own life then you will have enough of your own assignments to worry about others.

Blessings and Light,

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Laurie's Prayer

When in doubt of what to do I encourage my clients to use this prayer. 

This prayer has been used by thousands of clients as well as myself to assist with decision making.

Regarding a relationship/job/situation this prayer can be applied anywhere.
For example: You are at a job where you aren't sure if you should move on. You are grateful for this job however you aren't looking forward to work each and every day. You aren't sure of what to do.

Recite this prayer when you are in a centered and calm place ~ within and without.
"If this job at ___ is for the highest and best good of my soul then something will happen, a door will open up and I will be able to grow in a positive way.
If this job at ___ is not for the highest and best good of my soul then I will have absolute clarity and understanding. I ask the transition to be a peaceful and harmonious one at that."
Thank you 

Then just wait for the clarity to come. This prayer gets the ball rolling. You may receive a transfer, a raise an opportunity for more input or you may have a new opportunity somewhere else comes in, a disagreement with the boss or co-worker. The answer will come quickly ~ Be ready.

The above writing is a sample of what is in my upcoming  book.
I hope you enjoyed it and I hope it helps.

Blessings and Light,

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Right Now?

Your tomorrow's are being created today! Every thought, action and emotion goes into the creation of your future experiences ~ relationships, health, finances etc.

Right now ~ what you you doing?

  • Are you in a good place?
  • Are you happy?
  • Are you eating foods you shouldn't?
  • Are you holding grudges?
  • Are you getting enough sleep?
  • Are you in competition with others?
  • Are you being proactive? or are you waiting for the Universe to drop your dreams from heaven into your lap?
  • Are you honoring your true feelings?
  • Have you apologized? To others you have hurt or yourself?
  • Are you speaking kindly to yourself and others?
  • Are you meditating?
  • Are you exercising?
  • Are you doing everything you can to lead a productive, joyful, abundant, healthy and fantastic life?
Hopefully these questions sparked and ignited your Soul to embrace the moment!!

There is an unlimited supply of wonderful in the Universe! Remember that any time you feel slighted or as if time and opportunities are passing you by.

Blessings and Light,

Friday, October 19, 2012


Clairaudience is the ability to hear spiritual energy/messages more clearly.
Did you know one of the best ways to hear spirit more clearly is to balance the throat chakra.
The throat chakra is the energy center where our psychic hearing stems from.

By having a healthy and balanced throat chakra you are able to connect with ~

  • Spirit Guides
  • Crossed Over Loved Ones
  • The Higher Self
  • Angelic Realm
  • You access the Akashic Records 
Simply by envisioning a sky blue orb rotating in the front of the throat area as well as behind the throat area will help balance it as well.

You may also hold a blue stone like a blue lace agate in the throat area.

What can happen if your throat chakra is out of balance? You may hear confusing messages such as self-doubt, judgement and more...

So, let's let go of the old stuck energy in our throats so we may hear our Higher Selves, Guides and Spiritual Hierarchy more clearly!!

Blessings and Light,

Thursday, October 18, 2012

My new Show ~ Dear Laurie

I have created a new "show" within the online community which airs every Thursday night @9pm on the Life on The Moon Page.

The show is called Dear Laurie ~ I will be answering email questions, psychic, metaphysical and more.

Please send your inquiry to my inbox within the online community.

I will also be discussing my favorite book of all time ~ Beyond Common Thought by Jacqueline T. Snyder.

I look forward to answering your questions as well as sharing insights I have gained from this book.

Blessings and Light,

The Mystical Moon Online Community

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Gratitude :)

I woke up with immense gratitude and appreciation for where I began my journey as a Professional Psychic/Medium/Spirit Communicator as well as store manager.

If it were not for Lani at Sacred Space in Bonita I would not have learned how to create a beautiful center, how to run the front desk, keep the high standard and quality of a thriving center as well as how to push myself to the limits and most of all I met some fantastic and beautiful souls through Sacred Space ~ Jodi, Dana, Bethanny, Robert, Pam, Renee, Renee, Cathy, Danielle and many more. 
I also still have hundreds of clients who travel from Naples, Marco and Bonita to still see me to this day ~ 6 years later.

Even though my journey wasn't easy ~ I have complete appreciation and gratitude for Lani ~ She believed in me and presented me with amazing opportunities for growth.

I am blown away at the growth within the Moon these days! However, I never will forget where my humble beginnings began and for that I am eternally grateful for the life experience!

Some food for thought for all of us ~

Blessings and Light,

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Healing with Liquid Light

It is finally here! Sacred Journey's new release Healing with Liquid Light is now available for download as an MP3. 
This meditation program was created as a self-healing modality. 
Joanna and I and extremely grateful and appreciative to ~
Elijah Hall for his editing and producing of the cd
James Haddock for his beautiful picture which graces our cover
Michelle Meleo for her many talents! Michelle designed the cover and helped us with the technical aspect with Cd Baby.

Healing with Liquid Light is available through ITunes as well as CD Baby for download.
Hard copies will be available by mid-October.

I would especially like to thank Joanna for helping create what I know to be a profound healing tool for many.
Also special thanks to my family for their patience and support! Love to Jim, Nicole and Jimmy xoxo

Healing with Liquid Light ~ Sacred Journeys

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Simple Meditation Tip

Here is a simple breathing technique that will help you relax and clear.

Often people say I can't keep my mind quiet. My suggestion? Give the mind a job to do.

This only takes 5 minutes, if you relax for even longer great!
  • Take a moment to quiet the mind
  • Find a space where you can sit
  • Take a deep breath in through your nose as you do repeat in your mind "I breathe in light"
  • Exhale with the thought "I release stress"
  • Another deep breath in "I bring in harmony"
  • Exhale "I release negativity"
  • Inhale "I bring in love"
  • Exhale "I release judgement"
  • Inhale "I am a perfect divine being of light, love and wisdom"
  • Exhale "I let go of what no longer serves me"
You can keep repeating the same thoughts as much or as long as you wish.
You may also add words, mantras whatever is a positive mantra.

When you are ready simply open your eyes and carry on with your day.

I know this works ~ enjoy!


Thursday, October 4, 2012

Forgiveness vs. Acceptance

Forgiveness vs. Acceptance

We often pressure ourselves to forgive and move on, yet there are situations/relationships where we really struggle with letting go and moving on. We may even have the understanding that by holding on and obsessing over this situation it is indeed stopping our progression as well as the soul every of another. 

What are we to do then?

First I would like to expand on the subject of forgiveness. 

Forgiveness is the state of being where we agree to let go of the actions of another or even self and wipe the slate clean so to speak. By saying I forgive you means you are agreeing to not bring up the past, you will move on and the act is no longer requiring to be revisited.

Acceptance is what I encourage people to look at when they are unable to forgive yet they feel stuck and are unable to heal a certain aspect and or memory. 
Acceptance is stating ~ ok I see what has transpired, I make a promise to myself to not keep  bringing it up. I know there is a purpose for all that has happened yet I cannot wipe the slate clean. Another way of looking at this is I choose to be open to whatever clarity and healing may be coming in for me. I will agree consciously to not stir the pot anymore.

Simply by having another choice in healing hopefully this will help at least one person see their memories or pain in another Light.


Sunday, September 30, 2012

Creating Bridges

Creating Bridges
Now, more than ever I am seeing clients taking ginormous leaps of faith. What is going on these days? Well, I believe Spirit is encouraging all of us to find and give our bliss a chance. We are being brought opportunities to actually manifest our dreams and desires. What no longer serves us is really being brought to the forefront.
So….with this happening what are we supposed to do? I have a vision, a dream but I need to be realistic and pay my bills etc. There are a few steps I encourage people to take.
·     Identify what it is you really, really desire
·     Write it down
·     Make a checklist of what it would take in order for you to take that leap of faith ex $10,000 in the bank etc.
·     Take a look at some of the obstacles, be willing to take personal responsibility
·     Make some changes according to the above
·     Work with prayer/intention ~ if taking a leap of faith in the area of career is for my highest and best good, doors will open, I will have validation and I will pay attention to the signs and signals
·     Share your dreams with supportive loving people, not ones who will yes you but ones who believe and will help you stay grounded
·     Meditate, find quiet time and space
·     Be realistic with your goals
·     Let go of trying to control the manifestation process
·     Watch the miracles
·     Have a gratitude journal of all which has manifested in a positive way
·     Begin with taking productive physical steps towards your goal
·     Know you might have a foot in two worlds at once and it is okay
·     Gradual change can be a blessing

I could go on and on but you get the idea.
I know that when we are unfulfilled we become negative, resentful and literally crash and burn.
I encourage you to dream, follow that dream but also take your common sense with you.
Now go for it!!!