Saturday, July 23, 2016

7 Reasons Why Clear Quartz Is A Must-Have Crystal

If I was to suggest one crystal that everyone could benefit from owning either for personal and or professional use, it would be a clear quartz crystal. These crystals are a composition of silicon and oxygen and are easily found all over the world and are extremely affordable.

7 Benefits From Owning Quartz Crystals
  1. This crystal repairs and strengthens the bio magnetic field. This means you will not leak energy from your auric field.
  2. You can grid your home, property or workspace with quartz points. When the point faces inwards, we are bringing in energy, when they point out, we are clearing energy.
  3. When placed in your vehicle, it helps reduce gas consumption.
  4. It amplifies the energy in its environment. When acupuncture needles are coated with clear quartz, the treatment is enhanced by 10%.
  5. Replace midday coffee with a clear quartz elixir by placing a crystal in your drinking water. (Be sure the crystal is washed before placing it in your water).
  6. Clear quartz is excellent for dream recall. There are many messages for us in the dream state, therefore remembering our dreams is important for our soul growth.
  7. This type of quartz activates and opens the crown chakra and soul star chakra. When these two chakras are open and activated, it is easier for us to connect with our intuition and divine soul energy.
Keeping your crystals cleared is an important part of working with crystal energy. They often become dull and lose their oomph when used frequently. You can clear your crystals by saging them, putting them in a running body or water or by placing them in a sea salt mixture. I recommend clearing them at least once a month.
Blessings and Light,
Laurie Barraco 

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Adding These Herbs Will Give Your Smudging Ritual A Boost!

When adding these herbs to your smudging ritual, you are adding another element to the environment that you are cleansing and clearing. Smudging, also known as saging, is a ritual that many different cultures have used to clear negative or stagnant energy. The most common herb that people use to clear their space is dried sage. While using sage by itself does and can get the job done, many people prefer to add another herb for their own custom intention.
The Herbs
  • Cedar is often used to cleanse a new home, apartment and or business. It has the energy of protection and brings in the influence of wise and old spiritual energy.
  • Lavender is used to bring in a loving and nurturing energy into your space. It also has a welcoming aroma. It is also said to keep away negative influences.
  • Sweetgrass has a sweet vanilla aroma that connects us to Mother Earth, which is a grounding and centering vibration. The sweetgrass brings in the sweetness and the blessings that life has to offer. 
  • Copal has a crisp citrus aroma. It is often burned as an offering to the "Gods" giving gratitude for our blessings and honoring them.
  • Frankincense was once considered more valuable than gold! It helps to raise your vibration as well as your the space you are in, opens up your clairvoyance abilities, and shields you from lower vibrational influences.
  • Myrrh helps keep your vibration high and helps the user to attain enlightenment and wisdom. It's smoke is used to bless, consecrate, and bless it's environment. 
These herbs can be added with your sage mixture, or you may purchase a sage wand with the herb(s) already bundled together. These herbs can be found at almost any metaphysical store. 

Blessings and Light,
Laurie Barraco

Friday, June 3, 2016

Indigo Children, Who Are They And How Can We Support Them?

Many parents have heard the term Indigo used to describe their children. There are many different perspectives on how to identify, understand, and help support Indigo Children and it is quite possible that a few parents may be Indigos themselves. The Indigos are here to help raise the consciousness of our planet and to help us change the old paradigms and implement new ones. At times it may be difficult to relate to them and vice versa but we can coexist beautifully if we understand a little bit more about them.

What Is An Indigo?
An Indigo person is born on the Indigo Ray vibration with specific personality traits, interests, perspectives and energetic sensitivities. We started to see an influx of Indigos being born in the 1980's. Yes, there have most certainly been Indigos that have been born before 1980 such as Albert Einstein and Karl Jung.

You or Your Child Might Be An Indigo If:
  • They have strong empathic abilities and are sensitive to harsh environments and people
  • Have difficulty with routine or following directions
  • Possess the ability to see through dishonesty and deception
  • Is highly intuitive
  • Sees aura colors around people and objects
  • May be diagnosed as dyslexic or ADHD
  • Has the uncanny ability to predict future events
  • Can be overconfident and or has a very strong sense of self-worth
  • Is often passionate about charity, environment awareness
  • Often has a short temper and sometimes is unable to express their frustrations

Now that we have identified the characteristics of an Indigo there are different approaches that we can take to help nurture them so that we are able to understand and connect with them on a deeper level while supporting them on their path as well as not completely disconnecting with them.

How To Support An Indigo
  • Patience - By being patient and remember that we may be dealing with two different thought processes and that Indigos have strong wills and by trying to out-will them you may not make much progress.
  • Schedule regular Reiki sessions for them. Energy healing will do wonders for their mind, body, and spirit.
  • A regular smudging with sage and or bathing with epsom or kosher salt will help keep their auric field strong and healthy.
  • Having them wear or carry grounding crystals such as Hematite, Tiger's Eye, or Black Tourmaline will help ground them and keep outside environment influences at bay. While they may be drawn to crystals that open their third eye and crown chakras, it may be best to limit those crystals because Indigos are naturally psychically gifted.
  • Teach them how to put themselves in an energetic bubble when they are in large crowds. This will help them feel more secure.
  • Encouraging a regular meditation practice will help them decompress and be more in touch with their inner power.
  • Avoid food additives, preservatives and food colorings will help their moods and will help them stay focused and grounded.
  • Spending time outside in nature works wonders for Indigos.

Being an Indigo is a challenge but also a blessing as well. They are bright, funny and help us think outside of the box and encourage us to let go of old programming that may not serve us as a collective for our future as a conscious collective. There is a lot we can learn from them if we can meet them halfway.

Blessings and Light,
Laurie Barraco

Sunday, May 15, 2016

What Exactly Is Karma and Can I Correct The Negative Karma That May Be Coming My Way?

Karma by definition is the sum of your experiences from this lifetime as well as previous lifetimes balancing themselves out. Often we ask ourselves, "What have I done to deserve these types of experiences? I am a good person and try to do the right thing, yet I keep having bad luck and experience challenge after challenge." The answer to these questions have to do with karma and the soul's journey. 

Why Me? 
It is quite possible that you have in another lifetime or in this lifetime been the agressor or taken advantage of another soul and now must experience the opposite pespective to have a deeper understanding of how our thoughts and actions affect others. Honestly, no one has "bad luck". Our misfortunes or unfortunate circumstances may be the result of past life experiences, this lifetime's experiences, limiting belief systems or challenges that the soul has chosen to take on for it's own evolution. It is often hard to fathom why the soul chooses these experiences, but the fact of the matter is that the soul has the most growth when challenged and overcomes negative patterns, belief systems and struggles. 

I'd also like to point out that our karmic experiences are not only the actions that we make but they are also our thoughts, emotions and intentions. Just because we did not follow through with a negative thought, it does not mean that the laws of karma do not recognize the unhealthy intention, thought or emotion. Be mindful of what and where you give energy and intention to.

Here's The Good News! 
The good news is that we can correct and minimize the negative karma that may be scheduled to head our way. By being a proactive participant and observer in our lives, we can recognize and catch ourselves when we notice a pattern forming or redirect our potential negative reactions (thoughts, words and deeds) before we add to the negative karma bank account. The process of correcting and healing our negative ego is the main purpose of having this Earthly experience.

The Karmic Bank Account
There is good karma and bad karma, therefore all karma is not bad! It is human nature to focus on the negative events of our lives but by giving equal attention to the positive and awesome experiences we have, we bring in the energy of gratitude. Gratitude automatically is deposited to our good karmic experiences and is quite effective in evening out negative energetic boomerangs. 

Karma Timeline
Karma isn't always instant, so please be patient when you are trying to be positive and are doing the right thing. People often give up and become discouraged and have a negative disposition when they do not experience an instant shift in their lives. This is the tricky part of karma, it is often a mystery when the tide will begin to change. In the meantime, keep forging ahead with your intentions of creating good karma.

What About Other People?
The only karma that we need to concern ourselves with is our own. Every action has a reaction and if other people have intentionally or unintentionally hurt you, there is the cosmic 2x4 that will be heading their way, either in this lifetime or in another lifetime. If we are consumed by revenge, we are creating negative karma for ourselves. The best thing to do in these frustrating circumstances is to surrender our negative thoughts and intentions to spirit and redirect our reactions. 

Now that we understand that there is cause and effect in our lives that is not just related to this lifetime but is an accumulation of all of our lifetimes, we hopefully can shift from disempowerment and victimhood to a proactive, consciously-aware light being and create more positive and good karmic experiences in this lifetime as well as our future lifetimes. 

Here's to an abundance of good karma coming your way!

Blessings and Light,
Laurie Barraco

Thursday, May 5, 2016

The Benefits of Himalayan Salt

There are many benefits from using himalayan salt either by ingesting it, bathing in it or keeping a lamp plugged in and turned on in your environment. This salt is believed to be one of the purest salts on the planets because it is part of a 200 million year old salt bed that expands across the Himalayan Mountain Range. This mountain range has been free from pollution and other environmental toxins therefore, it is almost as pure of a salt as we can get.

The Benefits of Pink Himalayan Salt
  1. Purifies your environment
  2. Supports healthy respiratory function
  3. Balances the pH in your body
  4. Alleviates your mood
  5. Reduces the side effects of allergies
  6. Excellent alternate to table salt which can contain sugar, and often turns toxic if it’s manmade salt
  7. Creates an electrolyte balance
  8. Lowers blood pressure
  9. Balances metabolism
As mentioned earlier, you may add ingest the salt by adding a pinch to your food or water, bathe in it, and or purchase a lamp and place it in anywhere you feel stressed or struggle with your surroundings. I do suggest researching the benefits of any substance before you ingest it.
Blessings and Light,
Laurie Barraco

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Discover How To Cope With Psychic Headaches

Is it possible that some of the headaches you have been experiencing are psychic
headaches due to an overstimulation of energy rather than a "regular" headache? In fact, some of your headaches may be caused by your environment, the people around you, or you may be overdoing it with your psychic development studies.

A psychic headache usually is felt in the third eye area, which is just above the eyes in the middle of your forehead. It may even affect your vision causing your vision to be blurry or your eyes to feel heavy or achy. You may even have sensitivity to sunlight, bright lights or you may experience an ongoing throbbing sensation in your head. 

Possible Causes of a Psychic Headache
  • A download of energy moving through your body
  • Overstimulating the third eye through psychic development exercises
  • Spending too much time around electronics such as: computers and or cell phones
  • Overdoing it with your psychic work: readings, energy healings etc.
  • Energy overload from peers, family members, co-workers or even your spouse can be energetically draining
  • Keep a himalayan salt lamp nearby
  • Ground the energy into the ground either through a visualizing the energy moving through your entire body into the earth or spend time outside in nature
  • Cover your third eye with a bindi, bangs, a hat or even a bandana
  • Rub and essential oil on your forehead such as: Peppermint, Lavender, Rosemary, Eucalyptus or Roman Chamomile
  • Schedule a Reiki or Energy Treatment Session 
  • Keep an eye on the sodium content in your foods
  • Drink lots of water

If we are able to pinpoint how, when, where and why we are experiencing psychic headaches, we can most certainly work on preventing them from occurring. Keeping a journal or making mental notes as to when these headaches flare up will help you avoid 95% of these headaches.

Blessings and Light,
Laurie Barraco

Saturday, April 9, 2016

What's Your Strongest Psychic Gift?

Everyone has psychic abilities, but not everyone is able to identity which psychic ability they are working with. By identifying  how you are receiving psychic information, you will begin to trust the information that is coming through because of the way the messages comes through to you.
Different psychic abilities are defined with the word “clair” in front of them. Below I have broken down the different clairs along with a test for each so that you so you can recognize which one you resonate most with. Keep in mind, it is not uncommon for someone to to be gifted with several psychic senses.
Are You Ready To See Which Psychic Gifts Your Possess?
Test #1
  1. Do you hear your name being called?
  2. Do you hear messages within your head that offer reasonable guidance?
  3. Do you experience buzzing or ringing in your ears?
  4. Do you hear things that others don’t hear.
Chances are you are clairaudient if you answered yes to 3 of these questions. Clairaudience is the ability to hear psychic energy, messages and sounds. The voices and or sounds aren’t heard with your physical ears but with the psychic sense of clairaudience.
Exercise – Sitting in total silence, allowing messages to come and go without straining will help you develop your clairaudient abilities.
Test #2
  1. Do you have often have visions that play out like a movie?
  2. Do you see colors around people?
  3. Do you have vivid dreams?
  4. Do you often see something out of the corner of your eye?
This test will help you find out if you have clairvoyant abilities. Clairvoyance is the ability to see psychic energy as pictures, visions, words may form in your mind’s eye and you may see colors and swirls of energy. Clairvoyants often think they are daydreaming but usually what people are experiencing is psychic information that is trying to come through.
Exercise – Rubbing the area between your eyes with your index finger will help stimulate your clairvoyant abilities.
Test #3
  1. Do solutions simply pop into your mind without straining to find a solution?
  2. When you misplace an object, does it’s location suddenly appear in your mind?
  3. Are there some skills such as playing an instrument, that are second nature to you without any prior training?
  4. Do you automatically know when someone is not being truthful?
Claircognizance is the ability to know information, you have a sense of clear knowing. Many of us have had experiences where we simply know what the outcome will be or what to do to solve a problem.
Exercise – Automatic writing will help you get in touch with this psychic ability. Also, writing down what you think the outcome will be to future events without second guessing yourself will help you to develop this psychic sense.
Test #4
  1. Do large crowds overwhelm you where you can feel the emotions of the people around you?
  2. You instantly pick up on the feeling of places you walk into without anyone sharing with you what is happening at that moment.
  3. Are you able to pick up an object and know who it belongs to and it’s history?
  4. Do you tend to use the words “I feel” when describing what thinking?
The ability associated with these questions is clairsentience. Clairsentience is the ability to feel or sense psychic energy. It is extremely important that clairsentients learn how to create and keep healthy boundaries with others due to their natural ability to pick up and take another’s emotions.

Exercise – Psychometry exercises will help you enhance this gift. Psychometry is the ability to tap into the energetic impressions and or history of physical objects and their owners simply by holding an object.
If you answered yes to 3 or more out of each group of questions, then you possess that psychic ability. Some of you may have answered yes to all of the questions, this means that you have your have a strong sense of intuition and would benefit from investing some time to fine-tune your all of your gifts so that you may implement them not only for your own well-being but for the benefit of others as well.
Some words of wisdom – please do not compare your abilities with anyone else’s abilities. Everyone’s gifts are unique and special. No two people will receive information in the same manner. Embrace your own uniqueness and don’t be afraid to allow your gifts to shine.
Blessings and Light,
Laurie Barraco
Laurie Barraco

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Messages From The Animal Kingdom, What Are They Trying To Tell Us?

Has there been a particular animal, bird or insect that has made itself known to you frequently or has shown up just at the right time where you may have needed validation? There are reasons why we have animal sightings and they all have meanings behind them to provide us with wisdom and validation.

Common Animal/Bird/Insect Messengers

  • Hawk – Pay attention to everything that is going on in that exact moment, a teacher may be coming in for you, can also be a warning, need for quick reassessment
  • Eagle – Strong messenger, of Great Spirit, you are blessed, protected, and higher consciousness thoughts are available to you at this time
  • Cardinal – father/grandfather figure in spirit is revealing himself to you, strong, confidence, you are in mastery in an area of your life
  • Bluejay – mother/grandmother figure in spirit is coming through, soft feminine guidance, family oriented time
  • Dog – loyalty, protection
  • Cat – mystical, astral travel, time for play, independence
  • Spider – you are weaving a web connecting ideas together, all things are linking up together, storyteller
  • Ladybug – lucky time ahead, you have the Midas touch
  • Owl – wisdom, nighttime activities, time for education
  • Dragonfly – spirit is all around you, a time of validation of being on the right path for your evolution
  • Wolf – teacher, family support, they live in packs, be sure to surround yourself with like-minded people
  • Snake – time of change, shedding the skin of the old, kundalini energy, also beware of the sneaky influences around you
  • Butterflies – time of transformation – a beautiful one at that, a shift inside and outside
  • Doves – a peaceful time ahead, romance, companionship is just ahead
These are just a few of the messengers that you may come across in your daily life.  I suggest purchasing Ted Andrews’ Animal Speak to keep on hand as a reference guide as different animals come to you. Sometimes we do need signs in our every day lives from spirit to help us confirm that we are on the right path or to be aware of what may lie ahead.
Blessings and Light,
Laurie Barraco

Monday, March 28, 2016

10 Signs A Crossed Over Loved One Is Nearby

Our deceased loves ones often provide us with signs from the other side as validation that they still exist and are nearby. One of life’s most challenging events is when someone we care about crosses over to the other side. On the other side, they are busy in their non-physical form but aren’t too busy to let us know they are near and are assisting us to the best of their abilities.

10 Signs From The Other Side 
  1. You can smell their familiar scents such as: cigarette smoke, cologne, perfume, flowers and or food that are unique to them.
  2. You find coins with dates on them that correspond to either their birth year or the year they passed.
  3. License plates with their initials or numbers that have significance to you.
  4. Songs on the radio will play just at the right time when you need it.
  5. Lights flickering are often caused by a loved one who is nearby.
  6. Key words and or messages from other people are another way those on the other side relay their messages to us.
  7. Pets looking at “nothing”, barking, meowing or even licking the air are often visitors from the other side.
  8. Nature/wildlife birds, butterflies that come to visit you often are also signs that a loved one is near. Be sure to make a note of the frequent visitors.
  9. Number sequences on the clock, your register receipt total and or telephone numbers are ways your loved one can communicate with you.
  10. Visits in our dreams are not just coincidences. 9 times out of 10, they are real experiences in the astral.
From personal and professional experience, our deceased loved ones aren’t always available to give us signs they are near. Sometimes they are busy with their own soul growth on the other side. Due to this frequent occurrence, it is important to not jump to conclusions and assume that they are no longer near. Sometimes they are simply “busy” doing their thing.

Blessings and Light,

Laurie Barraco

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Demystifying Reiki - What It Is and Isn't

Reiki is a healing modality that is passed down from teacher to student through verbal and energetic lineage. There are 3 steps to learning how to facilitate the flow of the universal healing energy. There are a few misconceptions of what exactly Reiki is as a healing modality and what it isn't. Reiki is a soft, gentle and light-filled healing modality that everyone can benefit from. I often recommend a treatment as a follow up tony spiritual counseling sessions. Many people haven't heard or know exactly what Reiki is. 

A typical treatment is done on a massage table. The client is encouraged to lie down and relax on the table. The practitioner then will run healing energy (Reiki) through different hand positions over the client. The energy (light) goes to wherever the client needs the healing.

The transference of energy is spiritual, emotional, mental and physical in nature. I often will implement crystals, aromatherapy, a guided visual meditation, and or drumming during the session.

What You May Experience During of After a Reiki Treatment

  • Feeling less stressed
  • Pain alleviated
  • Closer spiritual connection to source
  • An alignment of the chakras
  • Release of emotional trauma
  • Healing of wounds, disease and discomfort
  • Better nighttime sleep
  • Less anxiety
  • Increased intuition
  • The ability to solve problems more easily
  • Mental clarity

What It Is
  • A gentle healing modality
  • An energetic transmission of the universal healing energy
  • The Universal Life Force Energy
  • Relaxing
  • An alternative method to healing that may be implemented with traditional types of healing

What It Isn’t
  • A guarantee to fix all of your ailments
  • An expensive healing modality – sessions typically will run $50 – $100 per session depending on the duration of the session
  • A psychic reading
  • Silly new age mumbo jumbo
  • A session is not an attunement. Attunements (Reiki symbols placed in the aura) are given during a training
  • Harmful or depletes the energy of the giver and receiver
  • A massage therapy session

Everyone benefits from a Reiki session. I recommend scheduling treatments monthly or as is needed depending on your mental, emotional, physical and or spiritual needs.

Blessings and Light,

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Have You Experienced These 7 Signs of A Spiritual Awakening?

We have all experienced times in our lives where life is chaotic and our patience and faith are tested. Usually, when things are not going well and you are feeling that you may have lost your way, you are in fact experiencing a spiritual awakening. A spiritual awakening is not as lovely and dreamy as it sounds. Often the way spirit gets us to grow and evolve is through challenges and a few dark nights of the soul. It is through these challenges that we are provided the opportunity to make conscious decisions to work through our unhealthy habits and disconnect from toxic relationships and careers.
How Does One Know If They Are Experiencing A Spiritual Awakening? 
  1. You have zero tolerance for drama and gossip and cannot and will not be bothered with it at all.
  2. You feel ungrounded and your ability to focus is challenged.
  3. You crave time alone to yourself and would like to be left alone.
  4. You begin to question just about everything – your job, your lifestyle habits, your relationships and seek alternate healthier alternatives.
  5. Your intuition is at an all-time high and your dreams are vivid and are filled with tons of messages.
  6. There is a breakdown of order in almost every area of  your life, there are s@$! storms everywhere.
  7. You do not feel like yourself. You may even be uncomfortable in your own skin. It almost seems like you are living your life through different eyes.
How To Manage These Shifts
  • Be patient and gentle with yourself.
  • Release judgement about how things look in the moment.
  • Meditate
  • Don’t rush to make huge changes without giving a lot of thought to your options and checking your resources before making a drastic lifestyle change.
  • Get plenty of rest.
  • Schedule a healing date with your favorite and trusted energy practitioner.
  • De-clutter your home/office/car/mind.
  • Sage yourself and your personal space.
  • Carry and or wear grounding stones such as: hematite, black tourmaline, tiger’s eye, fluorite and or selenite.
  • Pay attention and listen to your intuition. It is going to show you the next best step for you to take.
  • Remind yourself of this truth – This too shall pass and you will be stronger, wiser and happier for these experiences.
  • Journal, write down your thoughts, feelings and inspirations.
There is no way to avoid challenges in our lives and change is always a constant in our lives. We might as well suit up, show up and put our best foot forward and make the best out of our experiences. Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors.

Blessings and Light,
Laurie Barraco

Friday, March 11, 2016

Learn How To Cut Those Unhealthy and Toxic Emotional Cords

Cord CuttingWe all are guilty of it! Every single one of us at one time or another has been affected by allowing ourselves to be energetically corded (connected) in an unhealthy way to another person, place or thing. By using any of my 8 ways to cut toxic energy cords, you will be free of those unhealthy emotional, physical, mental and spiritual cords of energy.

What Are the Signs?

  • Energy levels are depleted, chronic fatigue
  • Having feelings of depression, hopelessness
  • Giving in to unhealthy habits such as – smoking, overeating, excessive drinking/drug use
  • Having repetitive conversations with someone in your head
  • Obsessing or seeking out ways to get revenge
  • You find yourself with getting caught in stalker-like behavior, monitoring the other person’s every move
  • You find yourself constantly battling illness
  • You simply feel off and are in stagnation

8 Ways To Cut Toxic Emotional Cords

  1. Bathe in sea salt, epson salt and or himalayan salt. Negative, toxic cords of energy cannot hold a charge when you bathe your aura in sea salt.
  2. Take a selenite wand, comb your aura from top to bottom, go around your entire body, moving clockwise front to back. This will cut all toxic cords.
  3. Align your energy with Archangel Michael. When you feel his presence, request that he use his mighty sword to cut the negative cords from your auric field.
  4. Using my cord cutting mist automatically cuts those unwanted cords.
  5. Visual the other person and or situation in your mind, a pair of scissors, and a rope. In your mind’s eye, see the rope connecting you to the other person and or situation. Take out your scissors and cut the rope. See the cord of energy severed and go back to both you and the other person. You are now free energetically from this person.
  6. Positive subliminal messages meditations work wonders reprogramming your thoughts and help you redirect your energy.
  7. Avoid drama at all costs! If you should find yourself in the middle of a gossip session, respectfully excuse yourself from the conversation. Drama and gossip automatically create toxic cords.
  8. I love using the “Scraper Meditation” that I learned from Internationally Renowned Psychic Channel, Sandy Anastasi.
Scraper Meditation
a. Close your eyes and take three deep grounding and centering breaths.b. Imagine your energy field is about to be shaved.
c. First take a moment to become sensitive to your own energy.
d.  Become sensitive to the air currents around you.
e. Let your consciousness drop deeper as you continue to breathe deeply.
f. In your mind’s eye see or feel energy streams you have coming from your
own aura leading to other people.
g.  Mentally see these connections as tubes of light linking you to other
people in your world.
h.  Take a razor, shaver, processor blade, whatever you feel will do the job
and shave your entire space.
i. Bonds to other people can be recreated if you want. For now, enjoy your own space.
Enjoy being clear.
My Cords Are Cut, Now What?
After your energy cords have been cut, you now have an opportunity to interact with others with healthy and solid boundaries. Often the most unhealthy energy cords are the ones we have with those who are close to us. In these cases, you may need to cut those cords on a weekly or even daily basis. After a while you will be consciously aware when the cords of toxicity are trying to connect to you or you to them. The blessing and or benefit from knowing what it feels like to have only cords of unconditional love and balance, is that in the future, you will automatically create healthy boundaries automatically. This is beneficial for not only you but the other parties involved.
Blessings and Light,
Laurie Barraco

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

7 Ways To Achieve A Healthy, Balanced and Strong Root Chakra

Many consider the root chakra the most important chakra to pay attention to because it connects us to our physical world. If this chakra is out of balance, we are unable to balance our other chakras as well. The root keeps us grounded and brings in a sense of security in our lives. The root chakra sits at the base of your spine. Your hips, thighs, knees and feet are all connected to the root chakra. Before you try my 7 effective ways to clear and balance the root chakra, I would like to share with you some of the warning signs that your root chakra may be out of balance.
Warning Signs of an Out of Balance Root Chakra
  1. Issues with the knees, feet, prostate gland, eating disorders and or constipation
  2. Financial difficulties
  3. Family issues – not being able to move forward, holding on to the past painful family issues
  4. Anger
  5. Greed
  6. Unhealthy co-dependent relationships
  7. Anemia
  8. Depression
  9. Fear
  10. Laziness
7 Effective Ways to Clear and Balance the Root Chakra
  1. Using essential oils that correspond with the root chakra will help clear and balance the root such as: cedar wood, myrrh and patchouli. I usually put a drop or two on the bottoms of my feet.
  2. Schedule a reflexology and an aromatherapy session. The massage and the attention that is paid to feet automatically shifts the root chakra.
  3. Going outside, spending quiet time out in nature, even walking barefoot connects us to the earth and centers the root chakra. If you want to take this tip to the next step, bring a yoga mat with you and enjoy some outdoor yoga.
  4. Place gemstones on your root center such as: bloodstone, red jasper, black tourmaline and garnet.
  5. Eating root foods such as: potatoes, carrots, radishes, onions, garlic and beets promote a healthy root chakra.
  6. Using sound therapy by toning “LAM” or listening to a crystal bowl that vibrates at “C” also helps clear the root chakra.
  7. Using the following affirmations will help heal the root chakra:
  • I am deeply connected to my body.
  • I am grounded, stable and all is safe in my world.
  • I trust in the goodness of life.
  • I love and approve of myself.
  • Life supports me.
When our root chakra is balanced and clear, we are confident, our self esteem gets a healthy boost and our lives become more fulfilling when our root chakra is clear. Remember, if the root is not balanced, it is almost impossible to balance any of our other chakras. Be sure to begin with your root first when facilitating any chakra work.
Blessings and Light,
Laurie Barraco