Saturday, August 30, 2008

Psychic Faire September 13th 11-5

Readings 20min/$20, Reiki, Energy Healing & Foot Detox Bath $25, DNA Activations, Cord Cuttings $20.
Laurie Barraco- Tarot,Psychic Readings
Jennie Martin- Psychic Readings, Clairvoyant
Sophia Prescott-Tarot, Psychic Readings & Astrology
Vickie Emanuele- Psychic Readings, Mediumship, Pet Readings (bring a photo)
Pam Bzoch-Reiki
Roseanne Gauthier-Energy Healing
Dr. Melinea Holman-Ionic Foot Detox Bath
*All incense products 10% off original price*
You may call ahead to schedule your appointment.
Hope to see you there!
For all personal services during Psychic Faire cash is the preferred payment, thank you:)