Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Celebrate Every Day!!

Many of us will be celebrating 12-12-12 as well as 12-21-12. 
I have been asked by many if and what I am going to do special for this date ~

The message I have been receiving in meditation as well as within my sessions with clients is this ~ Every day is special. We wake up to a new day full of possibilities. How many days were just plain ol' days when something spectacular happened? What happened November 15th? or April 7th? 

Each and every day is an opportunity to create your future, your joy and your happiness.
We celebrate certain times of the year to remind us we are one. We have the opportunity to come together to join hands and connect with our friends, families, nature and spirit.

This is what was intended for these days with certain numerological frequencies. 
The guidance I received was for me to celebrate every day.

Beginning on January 1st 2013, I will celebrate each and every day by focusing on one aspect of my life to have gratitude and appreciation for being alive on this beautiful planet Earth!

I will do the same as I have before...thank God for the opportunity to share my gifts, to be loved and to love and to take time to relish in this delightful world we are part of.


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