Sunday, December 9, 2012

Kathy's Post From The Online Community

Here is a post written by Kathy ~ Thank you Kathy :)

Our online community is

Last night I watched the first episode of the newest live stream show from the Mystical Moon. I LOVED IT !!!! I asked for more sharing, for the teachers and readers at the Moon, to share more with the rest of us who are trying to find our way. To share with us how they dealt with things as they climbed the ladder of tell us when they found the spirit in themselves, the connection to the other dimensions and how they learned to communicate with spirit and the cosmic consciousness.
So far, I have had readings from three of the readers/channelers at the Moon and have felt some pretty strong connections with the women there. I think I Have just about worn out my welcome with Lorraine...I've bugged her so many times in the last 18 months....she probably wondered if I was stalking her. ( Maybe too many readings...but I have such a thirst !!!) I want everyone to understand...Lorraine has helped me to see myself more ask myself the questions I was going to ask know and understand that I was closer, then I thought I was, to being open and in-tune with spirit. She helped me find my sea legs with just a gentle push, the kind your mother gave you when you took your first steps. I appreciate all that Lorraine has helped me to see in myself, and to be able to make the stronger connection with my guides and guardians.
After the show last night, I can relate even more with her. We both are finding/found our spiritual connection later in life,  ( even though we both had a strong metaphysical background of learning and visiting with psychics, we didn't make our connections until we were in our 50's)  We both moved to Florida about the same year....I think we both ended up at the Moon at about the same time too. I was thrilled to hear her say she automatic writes while in her meditations ( She mentioned almost having a book's worth of writings. ) I was so happy to hear another strong woman at the Moon was also writing....I have been doing automatic writing for years  and just recently asked....who was on the other end. So I want to connect with people who understand and can relate to the process I am going through. I feel the connections getting even stronger with the people at the Moon. Next I want to visit with Joanna and Pam so I can start getting myself tuned up a little more. Then I'll have to find the time to get visits in with the other readers.
I loved hearing how differently they all are, they use different tools and they read and channel in different ways. Now, more so than before, I know who to see, for what, the next time. :) I appreciated hearing more of their stories and the deeper sharing with all of us. Hearing that Laurie and Lorraine both used Reiki and aura cleansing by other channelers to help get themselves tuned up...was reassuring, I'd been thinking, I need to be doing more of that sort of thing and just hadn't pushed myself too far in that direction yet. Now I know it's the next step for me. Also hearing the ladies say so many of the same things that spirit has been telling me lately...exercise, get outdoors in nature, sage, cleanse and make time for yourself.
So we're all the same, we're all connected and we're all here for the same help each other experience the higher vibrations of love and to climb the ladder of awareness for ourselves, to shine our own light more brightly and to encourage others to do the same for themselves.
I can't wait to tune in next time. I loved the show and feel inspired by the conversation shared.

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