Often empaths do not realize they are absorbing their surroundings until it is too late. They have already taken on others unhealthy emotions, possibly other people's habits as well as belief systems and perspectives.
Can an empath survive in this world? Absolutely! Individuals that are super-sensitive to their environment can learn how to create healthier energetic boundaries as well as can begin to recognize when they are absorbing their environment
How do you know if you are an empath? Here are some easy to recognize the empathic signs:
- You suddenly have a nauseous feeling after you meet someone or even walk into an unfamiliar space
- You have solar plexus issues (sensitive digestion system, stomach aches, that sinking feeling in your stomach)
- You are influenced by the moods of others
- You are confused about your emotions
- People often "dump" on you for no reason
- You are often overwhelmed in large crowds causing you to withdraw socially
- Sometimes you are depressed for no reason
If this sounds familiar to you then chances are you are a person with strong empathic abilities. You can most certainly use your gift to be an indicator to when your environment, or a person, or even a certain location is not a healthy place for you.
Often empaths do not know they are absorbing other's feelings and pain until after the fact. Here are some suggestions to help you manage your gifts that will also help empower you:
- Wear deflecting crystals such as jet, black tourmaline, hematite, tiger's eye on your right side. By wearing or carrying these crystals they will project their energy outward, creating a shield of protection for you.
- Take baths with sea salt or himalayan salt. Did you know you can bathe with himalayan salt?
- Learn to cover your solar plexus with your hands or arms. You may even use visualization to help you do so.
- Sage yourself as well as your space often.
- Learn to pick up objects or to use your right hand when handling an object that you are not familiar with. The left hand receives, right sends out energy.
- Hold your phone to your right ear. If you listen with your left side you may pick up the feelings of the person on the other line.
- Learn how to say "no", "I don't have the time" or "I am unable to help you at this time."
- Activate your spiritual protection - your guides, angels, the helpers that are non-physical. Ask them to protect you energetically.
- Be sure to cut those emotional cords often.
- Receive healing treatments such as Reiki, massages, or any type of proactive healing treatment.
- When you are feeling compromised, do not perform any energy, healing or psychic work. You are more likely to let your guard down and take away someone else's stuff.
- Before you leave your home, pull your aura in a little closer to the body. You most certainly do not need to go out into the world wide open.
- Using command phrases such as: Shields Up! or I invoke a bubble of pink and gold protection around me today.
- Use a visualization of mirrors being place around your aura facing outwards. This will help you deflect unwanted sensations.
Many empaths are nurses, massage therapists, healers and teachers. They have nurturing and loving energy. By using some of these simple suggestions you most certainly do not have to hide from crowds. You will be able to mingle with your fellow man and woman and will be able to enjoy this amazing planet and the beautiful souls who inhabit it.
Blessings and Light,
Wow. Describes me to s T. But theres alot more to it. Some times i feel like im losing my minf.
Thank i thought i was losing my mind.
Wow. Describes me to s T. But theres alot more to it. Some times i feel like im losing my minf.
Thank you for these tips!
I loved this. Definitely me. Note: being an empath is hereditary. My mom always told me I was and I would grow up and realize she wasn't crazy. It was embedded into my brain that I was gifted and magical. Now, yet still very young (21) I know she wasn't crazy. I have been born to be a helper.. not a destroyer. Bless it be -an empath
This makes me smile! I’m a Reiki Master /Teacher and medium aka empath. I think everyday I’m losing my mind! Keeping close with the angelic realm is no Joke. If it wasn’t for my guides and Angels, i don’t know what or we’re emotionally and psychically I would be. All though very humble for this gift, don’t think I haven’t asked why me?!? We, as empaths just want to beable to be able to feel ok. To connect with others and feel peace in our own mental, emotional, and physical bodies. But let’s not forget it starts from you r spirit. . I shall never not be in greatful for what Spirit had planned for me on Earth, but I cry out in pled this has to be my last lifetime. I’m ready for peace. 🙏❤️
Your angels and guides await for u to call. It is a spiritual law they can not help unless u ask due to the law of free will. If u don’t like the vibration of others, stay connected to the higher realms. It is truly what I consider home.
okay so i took some quizes and it said that i was an empath, i am glad that i found this out. I was thinking that there was something really wrong with me... like u guys have said 'losing my mind.' Well i have picked up on things and its really hard for me to understand why... like this girl tragically passed away from my school and they were having a 'support group' in the centre and i was told not t go into there and i did anyways thinking that i was going to be okay because i didnt know her or that her death was going to affect me. It did. I felt everything that those other students felt and i cried... i still feel the hurt from that. Also this baby that i watched last year died in a house fire along with his other brothers and father. I only watched him for an hour a week and a half before that and i couldnt control myself, i was a mess last year. So it turns out that there is nothing wrong with me... i have a gift but i dont know how to protect myself from others....
thanks for the post :)
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