Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Thank You 2014, Hello 2015!

2014 has most certainly been a year of healing, growth, transformation, trust and miracles not only for myself but for many clients, family and friends. At the close of each year, I love to review the past year's challenges, celebrations, and accomplishments of that year. I also make a point of taking inner and outer inventory to see what I am ready to release before the new year begins.

I always hold a releasing ceremony and thank spirit for the past opportunities for personal growth, I then surrender and cut the emotional cords to these challenges and life lessons. 

Now for the good stuff :-) Writing down my intentions for the new year. Sometimes I create a Vision Board so I can picture in my mind's eye my goals more easily. I make sure to write down my yearly intentions in my journal. It is extremely important to write down your intentions so that you give life (energy) to your goals. You are actually creating a focal point for your desired intentions to manifest into fruition. It is like a homing device for your goals. This really does work...trust me. 

I have been called the Queen of Manifestations. There really is no secret to my success other than hard work, laser focus and a whole lot of surrendering. I do have a secret weapon that I share with all who are willing to listen to my praises of this amazing tool. Drum roll please...It is Leonie Dawson's yearly "Create Your Shining Year". I cannot say enough about this workbook! It keeps you motivated, inspired and on track with your own personal goals for the year. I have ordered a few extras for friends and family. Here is a link be sure to check it out! Leonie's Workbook

A Gift From Me To You - I have charged the symbol below with unconditional love, abundance and Reiki energy. To receive the energy, place your left palm over the symbol and state the following affirmation - I allow myself to receive the limitless love, joy, excellent health, trust and abundance that the Universe has to offer. I will share my light and love with the Universe and will trust in my soul's journey here on planet Earth. So be it, so it is!

I am most certainly grateful for 2014, for it has been a beautiful year even with it's highs and lows. I am even more grateful for 2015 with all it's fresh canvases that are waiting to be painted with new beginnings and do-overs.

Here's to 2015! May it be a year of hope, joy, excellent health, love, faith, abundance and healthy personal transformation and empowerment! 

Blessings and Light,
Laurie Barraco

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