Monday, September 10, 2012

Are You Up For The Weekly Challenge?

Are You Up For The Challenge?

Laurie Barraco

I challenge you to set the bar higher! Write a list of 5 realistic goals for you to strive towards this week. Simply by stating our loud, or on paper you are setting energy into motion.
Setting a goal gives the manifestation potential within your being a “job” to do, a direction for the desires to come together in a proactive fashion instead of scattered thoughts and energy.
Why not try writing down 5 goals for the week? Chances are you may not manifest or complete the 5 goals every week, but I bet you will be more productive. By setting these goals you set the energy in motion, which then brings in the blockages as well. This is an opportunity to redirect or correct or even become more aware of where you can grow.
I encourage you to give the 5 goals a week at least a month in order to really see some results.

I bet you will!!

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