Meditation Tips
Meditation is a quieting of the mind. Ideally, you'll allow thoughts to come and go as you become still and reconnect with your spirit.
What if I you cannot quiet your mind, should you give up? Absolutely not! This means you should meditate even more so!
What if I you cannot quiet your mind, should you give up? Absolutely not! This means you should meditate even more so!
A quiet environment where you won't be disturbed is one of the most important elements to a successful meditation. If there is a lot of noise or traffic then select another space.
Is it okay to meditate outside? Absolutely, as long as you are able to allow thoughts to come and go.
Here are a few suggestions to help you quiet your mind:
- Create a space that is quiet and clear of clutter
- Sage or light incense to clear the air and purify your environment
- Light a candle to connect with spirit
- Turn off all cell phones and electronics, computers etc.
- Play some relaxing music ~ this is not a requirement but it does help set the mood
- Say a prayer of intention to connect with your higher self, angels or guides
- With your intention or prayer ask a question that is pressing to you and ask for clarity, guidance and wisdom
- Hold a crystal, one that you connect with and that holds a high vibration
- Have a journal and pen near by to document your experience
- Breathe ~ if you are stuck with your thoughts, breathe in light and exhale stress
- Counting your breath helps you relax as well
- Realize some days it is easier to meditate than others
- If you cannot keep still, go outside and listen to the sounds of nature as well as the thoughts that run through your mind blessing them and letting them go
- Listening to a guided meditation, will most certainly give your busy mind a job to do
- If you meditate in the same spot you will create a vortex of energy therefore, each time you will be able to connect easier and more quickly
When you meditate, you raise your vibration and recalibrate your frequency. Raising your vibration puts you in alignment with more blessings, opportunities, better health, less stress, stronger intuition, more abundance, happier and healthier relationships.
There aren't any negative side effects from meditating! Your friends and family will thank you as you become happier and healthier and more patient with them!