Most of us have experienced the loss of someone, whether it be a parent, a child or even a pet. A mediumship session can help bring you clarity, healing, closure and validation.
I have been bringing through crossed over loved ones for clients for many years.
A mediumship session is not always the easiest session to have validation brought through during the session. Often the spirits provide information that only they would be privy to the information. The client afterwards has the opportunity for a little homework to see where the connections, names and stories link up.
Here's some wisdom I have come to understand via the spirits on the other side:
- I, as a medium cannot guarantee to bring through the person you would like to speak with. There are many reasons as to why this spirit may not come through. They may be unavailable due to what they are learning on the other side. They may be helping others out. They may be in transition or on their way to another level or dimension. They may not want to come through for their own reasons. The timing of their visit may be for the highest and best good of all.
- When someone has come through they still may have their own grudges or points of view. Crossing over to the other side does not always equal higher evolved consciousness.
- Often the messages and signs of validation are validated AFTER the session.
- They do want you to take notes or record the session. Often the message or the person's name makes sense later.
- The signals and signs they share with their loved ones may all look different. If your brother Harry comes to your sister in her dreams, it does not mean Harry is coming to visit you in your dreams as well.
- They are relaying stories and messages through THEIR points of view. This may differ from your own recollection of events.
- They do like to play certain songs on the radio to grab your attention.
- Sometimes the messages are simple messages that they are okay.
- Often they do become guides for their loved ones but not to all of their loved ones.
- They continue to learn and grow on the other side.
- After crossing over often they have second thoughts about their last wishes and do not hold grudges if you were unable to fulfill those last wishes.
- There will be period of time when you feel their presence and times when you do not. They like to make cameo appearances. If they were around you all the time you would not appreciate that special message, dream or sign that they were around.
- Once in a while a spirit that you would rather not connect with will come through. Try to not dismiss this spirit. They may be paving the way for the spirit you were hoping to connect with. By you not wanting to acknowledge the paver you may prevent anyone else from coming through.
I do enjoy my mediumship sessions. They often bring closure and healing to the client.
I encourage everyone who is interested in a mediumship session to do their research, ask for a referral, check out the medium before scheduling a session. There will be times when you do not connect with the medium and or psychic. This is okay, not all mediums/psychics are able to connect for everyone. A reputable professional psychic/medium will refund your money...remember this.
I also encourage all potential clients to come to the session with an open mind. Try not to shake your head and say no, no, no. This does cause the psychic to step out of their channel. 9.9 times out of 10 the connection and or message will make complete sense after the session.
Most of all be sure to take the time to prepare before your session. The reading process is a 3 way process ~ you, the reader and spirit. Do your part by energetically preparing for your session by taking a moment to prepare your questions and be sure to be on time...it does make a difference.
The truth is that we all have the ability to connect to the other side. With proper practice and training you too will be able to receive these messages as well as recognize those that are trying to contact you.
Blessings and Light,
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