The Higher Self is you! It is your higher consciousness a more evolved state of being (vibration).
The Higher Self communicates to you through hunches, dreams, thoughts, meditations, channeling, emotions, and is the loving guiding voice that helps you navigate through life. The relationship with your inner wise self is the most important relationship in your life.
The Higher Self's job:
- To keep you connected to your spirit
- Make sure you stay on track with your life's purposes
- Guide you throughout your life
- Bring through messages from your angels, crossed over loved ones, guides
- Protect you from negative influences and environments
- To help you heal
- Help you remember who you are and where you come from ~ The Light
I strongly advise my clients to take the time and to make the effort to create a filter with the Higher Self for any and all information psychically to be brought through the Higher Self so that you can trust what is coming through. If you do not go through the Higher Self you can be sure not all of the messages and visitors may not be of the most loving and of a higher consciousness.
How to create a filter with the Higher Self:
- Create sacred space by clearing a room by saging, bringing your angels, gridding a room. You can also go outside where you have a private space where you will not be disturbed
- You can also call in the 4 Watchtower angels (Raphael, Michael, Gabrielle and Uriel) for sealing the space
- Take a couple of deep and cleansing breaths
- Either out loud or in your mind say the following intention or one similar to this one "It is my intention to be connected to my Higher Self throughout my daily activities. Any and all psychic information is to be filtered through my Higher Self. I request any visitors ~ guides, angels, crossed over loved ones all be filtered through my Higher Self. So be it, thank you."
It really is this simple. Not many people are aware that there is energy out there that is not really good for us that is trying to get through. This simple and important connection is the most secure way of bringing through guidance and wisdom.
There are many great books and meditation CDs out there that can help you connect with the Higher Self. If you haven't read or used the Higher Self Meditation in my book "Psychic Development 101", I suggest you take the time for this meditation, it is worth it!
Blessings and Light,
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