Like everyone, I have dreams, intentions, goals I am striving towards.
For example ~ more free time with my family, creating a smooth transition with my front desk as my dear friend Jodi delves into her career in art, creating better use of my time, educate myself more etc. etc. etc.
With movement we often ask for help, assistance, something! Often people focus on what is revealed as now to take an action towards it. We do need to take action or redirect ourselves. In addition to this we also have helpers who have been placed before us that we don't always acknowledge the assistance that has been sent from "above".

What are the chances?? Practically a miracle which I do see this as one.
The messages brought to me were from Spirit and I know I am protected and to trust myself on what I had been receiving as guidance. Because I doubted myself, I was sent two people who would help bring the message home.
So what's the point of my message here? The message is to ask, ask for validation, ask for help, ask for clear and precise the name to the letter to the T. Then you sit back and wait. You continue to grow, to change, to be proactive. Simply keep moving forward.
I thank the two Earth angels who brought me exactly what I needed this week to help me move forward.
I also thank the daily Earth angels who love me unconditionally, who listen without judgement, who will tell me the truth about myself of what I may not be "seeing".
I know I say this often...but I, you, we are all blessed on a daily basis. Situations may appear difficult or unsolvable but there are blessings and there are people being sent as just need to be aware of your surroundings.
Blessings and Light,
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