I am a firm believer that practice and experience make the difference between an okay psychic reader and a phenomenal psychic reader.
Many of you are already aware that I have created a Professional Psychic Training Program. I, myself practiced and had hundreds of practice hours of psychic training before I even made my debut as a Professional Psychic. I know this step is so very important for the client as well as the reader.
My students have already completed the first part of the 3-part series and are in the practice phase.
This is where you, my reader can help me to fine-tune their gifts.
Please do send one psychic email question to me via the online community at
I will pass your one question on to one of my students. After receiving and reviewing their answer I will forward you their response.
I thank all of you in advance for your participation :)
Blessings and Light,
Happy New Year Everyone! This one is extra, extra special! All new beginnings are special, however, it is very rare that there is a new moon during the time of the New Year.
This means we are being given a cosmic leap forward towards our intentions.
Every New Year I celebrate the New Year with ceremony. For me, ceremony is creating a sacred space where I am able to bring in spirit, my ancestors, my guides, my higher self, the collective all that is consciousness, as well as the elements, animals etc.
I create this ceremony with my petitions to spirit to help me create a vortex of energy to send up into the ethers. Along with my petitions, I review the past year of what my achievements, my struggles and my blessings. I release what I feel is complete and make room for new possibilities and opportunities.
I take the time to write the intentions I have for the New Year. I always am sure to have personal, professional, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual goals of intention on my list.
I request the strength, wisdom and the courage to move through the difficulties as well as the knowing or consciousness to be able to recognize and embrace my blessings.
You do not need any fancy supplies or to make this ceremony complicated. Simply your intention, maybe a pen and paper and the open heart and desire to embrace life is all that is required. However, I usually add candles, sage, music, incense, crystals and mystical statues to my ceremony.
2013 was a year of massive change, rebirth, transition and healing.
2014 is the year to bring in more blessings of healing, growth and soul fulfillment as a result of the cleansing of 2013.
May the New Year bring hope, happiness, love, light, excellent health, abundance and peace for all.
Many Blessings and Light,