What can we expect with the Full Moon in Sagittarius? Well...it's going to be an interesting and bold moon for sure! You probably have already been feeling as if you have been "outgrowing" your current conditions. Whether it's your job, your relationships, your belief systems and maybe even your purpose seems to be morphing into a different direction as well. You may not be able to deny those inner stirrings and yearnings for change any longer, especially during this Full Moon.
Sagittarius connects us with our higher mind. The higher mind is the aspect of us that holds the deeper meaning of life, encourages us to keep on growing and to be courageous as we step outside of our comfort zones from what was familiar to the unfamiliar. This month, you may find that you have a strong drive, hunger and quest for reaching your goals, to push yourself beyond your old limitations and step into your own power and potential.
There are two activities that will help you to harness this dynamic and powerful energy during this time of the Full Moon, which by the way, you can expect to feel the effects for a couple of weeks after this lunar event on May 29th.
1. The first activity you can do during any Full Moon is to create a forgiveness list. Write down the people and situations that you feel and know could use some forgiving. Don't forget to include yourself for those would've, could've, should'ves. After writing down all that you feel requires forgiving, read your list out loud and then when you've gone through the entire list, release that energy into the Universe. In order to bring in new beginnings and new energy, we need to make some room. Letting go of what doesn't serve, is one of the best ways we can prepare ourselves for awesomeness and be in alignment with our destinies.
2. Next, we are going to connect with the higher mind whether it's through meditation, journaling or paying attention to the higher mind as it communicates to you what is next for you on your evolutionary path. Chances are you have already been thinking about your future and how that's going to look with your new perspectives courtesy of the higher mind sending you intuitive messages and signs. During this step you really want to give yourself some time to really contemplate what and where your passions are and don't be afraid to dream big. Sagittarius isn't intimated by the size of the goal and neither should you.
This month's Full Moon message for all of us is; "Go big or go home!". If you're feeling stagnant and a little nervous about taking some chances, then this is the month to muster up some confidence, get clear with your goals and then set them in motion. Be sure to journal your experiences along the way. This is sure to be a groundbreaking time for you.
Blessings and Light,
Laurie Barraco